Je suis choyé d’avoir une amie incroyable dans ma vie depuis plus de 40 ans. C’était son anniversaire la semaine dernière, et j’ai modifié une boite explosion afin d’y insérer son cadeau. Nous sommes tout les deux de grande admiratrices de Pandora et d’avides jardinières. Je suis très contente du résultat de cette boite explosion.😉 I am blessed to have a wonderful friend in my life, that I have the privilege to call my “Best friend”. We go a long way together, she’s been my friend for over 40 years! She knows a lot ( maybe to much, lol 😂). It was her birthday last week and I modified an explosion box, so I could insert her birthday gift. We are both “Pandora” freaks😜 and we both have a passion for gardening. I simply love the way her box turned out 💕. I had to wait for her to receive her gift before I could post......longest week-ever!
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