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Bisous & cĂąlins 💌 ❌⭕❌ 💋

Je vous prĂ©sente une boite a bisous. Une grand-maman ma demandĂ© de lui fabriquer ceci. A cause de la Covid-19, elle ne peux voir sa petite-fille, elles s’ennuient terriblement! L’autre jour, lors d’une conversation FaceTime avec sa petite-fille, celle-ci lui a mentionnĂ© qu’elle s’ennuyait Ă©normĂ©ment des bisous et cĂąlins de grand-maman. Grand-maman a rĂ©pondu: “Et bien, nous devons trouver un moyen pour rĂ©gler ceci.” Alors, grand-maman ma contacter et ma demandĂ© de lui faire des boites a bisous et cĂąlins. Elles vont pouvoir s’échanger des bisous et cĂąlins en papier et inscrire un petit mot Ă  l’endos.

Presenting hugs and kisses box. A grand mother asked me to make those boxes for her. Due to the Covid-19, she can’t see her grand-daughter. They miss each other terribly! While they were FaceTiming the other day, her grand-daughter told her that she misses her hugs and kisses the most. Grandma said: “ Well, we will need to find a way to fix that”. So, she called me and asked if I could make some hugs and kisses boxes. She will give one to her grand daughter and keep one for herself, this way they will be able to send each other hugs and kisses and write a little note in the back.

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